Детаљи трке:

Ноћни полумаратон


21.1 km

3 laps

The course will be clearly marked and secured. There will be more than 150 volunteers placed along the course for runners’ security. There will be referees at the start/finish lines and at turns too. Refreshment stations will be places at turns: one with water and one with fruits, dextrose drink etc. The course consists of 7km laps.


Од Цена Напомене
18.02.2019. 00:00 1600 RSD
16 €
1.03.2019. 00:00 2000 RSD
20 €
1.04.2019. 00:00 2200 RSD
22 €
1.05.2019. 00:00 2400 RSD
24 €
1.06.2019. 00:00 2600 RSD
26 €
13.06.2019. 23:59 Затварање пријава

Цене су по особи у једној од наведених валута по избору.

Сигурно желиш ово да урадиш?